Cycle 3   Trauma Support

A Letter to My Self

C3 Session 19 - A Letter to Myself

Key Questions

WHO were you before any trauma occurred in your life? 

WHAT would you say to your innocent self to prepare yourself for the life you're going to live? (Sample Letter)

WHERE was your V.E.S.P.M. before and now after the trauma? 

WHY should you continue to fight for your healing? 

WHEN bad memories and feelings reoccur, what is a positive thing that you can think about instead? 

HOW many traumatizing experiences have you survived?  

Self-Reflection Points


A letter to myself - Consider the above questions when writing your letter.

(SAMPLE LETTER) Dear innocent self,

You are not a victim -You are a survivor! Right now you are just an innocent person and you won't understand what's about to happen to you. You're going to feel sad, angry, and abandoned by some of the closest people in your life. Some of the people you depend on will do nothing to acknowledge your feelings and leave you to figure out life on your own. You will also be disappointed by the people you felt were supposed to protect you. No one will be there to comfort you or even help you through these very difficult times. You will feel all alone and confused.  This will change how you look at the world, view relationships, and change the way you trust. After being let down so many times you will learn how to protect and guide yourself.  Don't worry it's going to make you stronger, and more resilient. You are going to need it because you are going to go through more trauma throughout your life. It's going to feel like it's never going to end and you will feel like you just want to die. But hold tight, things work out! Stay really close to God, he is your stronghold. Stay in prayer, and keep your faith. Do the healing work. You will learn how to live through it, you are more resilient than you think because you do survive. Here I am writing to you about us winning and not giving up. When you can't trust anyone else, you can trust GOD!

"I love the person I've become because this didn't happen without a fight" - Unknown

Q - Did this session teach you how your past experiences can help you make wiser, more rational decisions?

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