Cycle 2 V.E.S.P.M.
C2 Session 9 - Values
Your values are usually set up during childhood by your STANDARDS of living and your environment. You are taught how to FEEL about what has a high or low value depending on what you have in comparison to others. This can show up in the way you show charity to others.
We all want to be our personal best according to the values we were taught. Your childhood values can spill over into adulthood. This determines how you view life and what's most important to you.
WHY do people value things differently?
WHAT has life taught you?
HOW does a person show they value something?
DO you feel all humans were created with a purpose?
HOW were you shown or told that you had value?
We all have the freedom to choose the amount of worth something/someone means to us. This may look different from person to person.
WHAT do you think life is mostly about?
DO you feel you've always given your best in life?
DOES your current way of living reflect the work you put into it?
HOW many of your childhood beliefs have you kept? Why?
HOW do you react when something you value is taken away from you?
We all need to feel like we are being treated equally and fairly in comparing ourselves to others for us to feel valued. However, most standards were set during childhood and need to be updated so that we feel valued with our current choices.
WHERE did you receive emotional support and care when you were hurt as a child?
WHAT must you have in order to feel content in life?
WHAT are 5 nonbasic things you are grateful for each day?
HOW do you feel as an adult vs a child?
WHY do you think your childhood is often called your "default setting"?
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." -1 Corinthians 13:11
Q - In this session did you learn how your V.E.S.P.M. plan affects the decisions you make?
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