Cycle 2 V.E.S.P.M.
C2 Session 13 - Mental Health
Mental Health
Your mental health is essential for you to IDENTIFY what's going on around you and set boundaries which will enable you to effectively live a happy and fulfilled life. It is the basis of how you choose to think and feel about the choices you make according to your BELIEF SYSTEM.
We all want to be able to use our mental ability to help us achieve our goals, accomplish our purpose, and make well-informed decisions about our life choices. We also want to have healthy relationships with others while maintaining boundaries according to our belief system. This will enable us to live a happy and productive life.
BEFORE making important decisions what is your process?
HOW concerned are you about your relationships with others?
WHAT's your belief system telling you about yourself?
WHEN you are asked to tell your childhood story, how does it make you feel?
WHEN someone tries to become your friend how does that make you feel?
What we all have
We all have the ability to recognize our triggers. We take information in through our senses and process that information through our belief system we can learn how to set realistic boundaries. Therefore, enabling us to maintain control of our emotions and reactions.
HOW are the people in your inner circle supporting your purpose without violating their boundaries?
HOW do you plan to set up an environment to focus on your purpose?
ARE you responsible for other people's emotions and reactions?
WHAT personality type do you consider yourself to have?
ARE you able to extend acts of kindness without violating your boundaries?
WHEN your daily goals are not being met what should you do?
Basic Needs
We all need a nonjudgmental space to express our deepest thoughts, and opinions and to sort out our emotions. This allows us to choose which thoughts, opinions and emotions are in line with our VESPM belief system and will help us stay focused on our goals and purpose.
WHAT are some things that you can do daily to enhance your mood and life experience?
WHAT kind of people and places do you find yourself to be drawn to?
HOW much of your time is spent on being productive?
WHY is it important that you pay attention to the experiences you have daily?
HOW does having daily goals help you set boundaries?
ARE you able to take care of your responsibilities and focus on your goals without getting overwhelmed?
Q - In this session did you learn how your V.E.S.P.M. plan affects the decisions you make?
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