Cycle 1 Self-Identity
C1 Session 8 - Networking
Key Questions
WHO should you be building professional relationships with?
WHAT specifically can this person/company offer you according to your goals? Can they be a later asset?
WHEN you're at an event when is it a good time to introduce yourself?
WHERE are some places you can go to network with people?
WHY is it important to set boundaries while still building a professional networking team?
HOW should you prepare yourself for success when going to an event?
Self-Reflection Points
Networking is the best way to build professional relationships.
If you find that a person is not an asset to you or your goals still take their information. You never know what the future will bring. Just be mindful of your time.
Always have an "Elevator Pitch" ready. Who you are, What you do, and what services you offer, and never forget your contact information.
Small talk is necessary when building any relationship however, If you find a person often shifting the conversation to personal items. Excuse yourself. You and your time is valuable don’t waste it on unnecessary conversations.
To efficiently network you should have the following things in place depending on how you prefer to be contacted; working phone, business cards, email address, social media account/s, website, etc.
Don’t forget to always carry a pen and paper when networking. Don't lose out on a great opportunity because the internet was down.
Always get permission before sharing others' information.
Keep the relationship alive by staying in touch or connected while respecting other boundaries. Great relationships have been lost due to people not using discernment.
Find out how they prefer to be contacted and how often. Ask questions to be clear. Everyone's idea of "Keep in touch" varies from person to person.
Be confident, nervousness can be confused with incompetence.
Be assertive, NOT aggressive. An aggressive attitude can make you come off as emotionally unstable. Besides, no one wants to do business with a "hot head".
If a person is giving you the run-a-round, excuse yourself. Your time can be better spent on an interested person.
Q - How has this session helped you to formulate a plan to accomplish your objectives?
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