Cycle 3
8 Cycles of Wellness
Cycle 3 Evaluation Sheet
(Optional) Your IN: ______. Date: _______________________
1. The layout of this cycle was: Easy to follow Confusing
2. The length of each session was: Just right Too short Too Long
3. I felt like I was given enough time to talk: Yes Sometimes Not always
5. Which Session/s in this Cycle has made the most impact on your life? Session _____ Why?
6. How can you use the information in this cycle to help you towards your goals?
7. Is there anything you would like to add or suggest to make this cycle better?
8. How did this cycle show you how your past experiences can help you make wiser, more rational decisions?
Click here to go to Cycle 4 Relationships
If you need additional support or would like to request zoom sessions
please email all questions and comments to: