Cycle 3   Trauma Support

Rebuilding Trust

C3 Session 23 - Rebuilding Trust

WHO do you think you would always be able to trust?

WHAT do you think about unintentional mishaps?

WHERE do you go for reliable advice? Has it always led to your happiness?

WHY should you want to build a healthy level of trust with others?

WHEN you see the evidence is it still hard for you to trust? 

HOW do you feel when others don't trust you?

Total trust in a person - To rely on another person because you feel safe with them and have confidence that they will not hurt or violate you in any way. To have a belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or willpower of a person. 

How you can begin to rebuild trust?

1. Recognize you need to trust others.

We are social beings and cannot have close relationships without some trust. 

2. Acknowledge areas in which you already trust others.

You trust strangers every day; handling your money at the bank, taking care of your health, delivering your mail, etc.

3. Be realistic when it comes to trusting someone.

No one is 100% trustworthy not even you. Time and unforeseen events will happen to everyone.

4. Only share your trusted things (secrets, etc.) with a person who has proven to you that they are trustworthy.

Start with small confidences and see what happens. Be mindful to not put yourself in a position to be let down by trusting the wrong person. Use discernment when it comes to trust.

5. Trust yourself first.

Listen to that little voice in your head or that feeling inside of yourself and trust it. Most of the time you are right.

Self-Reflection Points


Q - Did this session teach you how your past experiences can help you make wiser, more rational decisions?

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