Cycle 6  

 Mental Health

Listening & Communicating

C6 Session 45 - Listening and Communicating

Key Questions

Who started the conversation and what is their objective? 

What is it that they are asking from you? 

Where should you draw the line with this conversation?

Why do you think this person came to you?

When sharing your option what should you consider?

How can you follow up with this person if more needs to be discussed?

7 Key sample active listening skills

1. Be Attentive – Remove distractions

2. Ask reflective questions - What do you feel happened? Stop and listen

3. Ask probing questions – Why do you think you felt that way? Stop and listen

4. Show concern – Do you think your feelings will ever change? Stop and listen

5. Clarify – Repeating some of the things already discussed. 

6. Be genuine and sensitive - Acknowledge the persons' feelings.

7. Summarize – Is there anything else that happened that you want to talk about? 

8. Then you talk - Now you have enough information to respond with a sensible answer. 

Please repeat questions throughout the conversation for more clarity if you need to. 

Self-Reflection Points

"He who responds before listening, that is his folly (lack of good sense) and his shame." - Proverbs 18:13

Q - In this session did you learn about social awareness and self-management?

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