Cycle 7

Understanding Anger

Being Happy Again

C7 Session 56 - Being Happy Again

Key Questions

WHO would be proud of you when you are living out your purpose? 

WHAT do you value most in your life now?

WHERE do you physically go when you want to feel positive energy?

WHY do you think it is often said that "money can't buy you happiness"?

WHEN you have fully identified your purpose how can that affect your happiness?

HOW do you feel about helping others achieve a happy life?

Some ways people view happiness & contentment

Happiness comes from within, how you believe the world to be.

Happiness comes from how you choose to react to things you can't control. 

Happiness comes from how we view our circumstances. 

Self-Reflection Points

Q - Has this session helped you to better understand and have better control over your emotions and reactions?

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If you need additional support or would like to request zoom sessions 

please email all questions and comments to: