Cycle 7

Understanding Anger

Am I Assertive or Aggressive? 

C7 Session 52 - Am I Assertive or Aggressive?

Assertive – Confident and self-assured with expressing your needs without disrespecting or undermining others.

Aggressive – Ready or likely to attack or confront with an intimidating or condescending undertone when your needs are not met.  Having a hostile nature.

Key Questions

WHO is a good example of a self-assured person in your life? What is their general mood?

WHAT should you do when there is something in the way of you getting your needs met?

WHERE should you focus your attention when dealing with any conflict?

WHY is it okay for two people to have very different outlooks about the same thing?

WHEN you feel rejected or like you are being overlooked what emotions are you likely to feel? Why?

HOW do you handle yourself when someone is intruding on your boundaries and knowingly disregarding your VESPM plan? Can others feel the same way?

Self-Reflection Points

Q - Has this session helped you to better understand and have better control over your emotions and reactions?

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