Cycle 8
Living Well
Adding in Healthy Foods
C8 Session 59 - Adding in Healthy Foods
Key Questions
WHO decides what you eat? If it’s not you, can you request changes in your meals?
WHAT are healthy meal choices for you? Get to know your body.
WHERE can you go to find affordable healthy fresh foods in your area?
WHY do you sometimes choose not to eat a healthy balanced diet?
WHEN you eat healthy choice foods do you have to give up all junk foods?
HOW do you know if you are eating a balanced diet?
Self-Reflection Points
Try adding healthy flavors to make your meals taste good. For example; fruit, vegetables, all-natural, raw, or organic seasoning.
It may be hard to "take away" something you like, so start by “adding in” healthier choices. ie; add a fruit/garden salad to your meal plan. Try a new healthy food whenever you get a chance.
Healthy eating can look different from person to person. You may have a restrictive diet due to an illness, your body may not be able to digest certain foods, or you may be allergic to certain foods. Get to know your body.
Healthy drinking is also important. Be mindful of the ingredients that are found in drinks, juices, sodas, and teas. You can be doing more damage with toxic drinking habits than eating habits.
You can get to know what's healthy for your body by seeing a doctor. It's better than finding out through trial and error. You may need to have blood work done before deciding on a final diet plan.
Read the label, and know what you're putting in your body. However, most real foods don’t come with labels or any other ingredients besides themselves.
Cooking at home is usually a safer and healthier choice.
Your body is made up of mostly water and needs water to function. It is suggested by most nutritionists that you drink clear water during the day. Daily activity will look different from person to person.
Q - What about basic life needs and awareness have you learned in this session?
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