Cycle 1 Self-Identity

The 5 Stages of Life

C1 Session 2 - The 5 Stages of Life

The 5 Stages of Life

During Childhood.....

Parental Guidance and, genetic urges. Under the care of an adult

What mattered most?

What morals were you taught?

What did God mean?

What did it mean to be physically healthy?

What would life look like if all your needs were being met? 


During Adolescence.....

Welcome in ideas from other families, environments, books, internet, etc.

What mattered most?

What morals did you practice?

What did God mean?

What did it mean to be physically healthy?

What would life look like if all your needs were being met?  


During Adulthood

On the search for how you plan to live your adult life. No longer under the supervision of another adult. Looking for your purpose

What matters most?

What morals do you practice?

What does God mean?

What does it mean to be physically healthy?

What would life look like if all your needs were being met?  


At the level of Maturity

Decide what makes sense to you and live in harmony with it.

What has life taught you to value?

What are your ethical standards?

What does spirituality mean?

What does it mean for you to be physically healthy?

What are some things you must have/do to feel content?  


At the level of Growth (repeat)

The changes you make as you learn and grow in knowledge/understanding and exposure

What doesn't matter?

What do you love about yourself?

What does a peaceful life look like?

What do you do to remain physically healthy?

What do you do to keep yourself happy?   



You no longer or refuse .....

To learn about...

Not willing to change?

To learn more about spirituality

The awareness of your physical health?

To be concerned about all your needs being met?  

Q - How has this session helped you to formulate a plan to accomplish your objectives? 

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