Cycle 7

Understanding Anger

Self-reflecting & Positive Thinking

C7 Session 55 - Self-reflection & Positive Thinking

A Growth Mindset - The changes you make as you learn and grow in knowledge, understanding, and exposure. You see failure as a learning experience and will not give up. Always looking to evolve.

The State of Regression - This process happens when you can no longer or refuse to learn, Unprogressive.  Beliefs are fixed and there is an inability to want change.


Key Question

WHO would you say has been a great example of having a growth mindset?

WHAT do you feel is your current mindset and why?

WHERE did you see regression displayed as a child?

WHY do you believe people don't like to fail or make mistakes?

WHEN you are first confronted with an obstacle what is your mindset? 

HOW are you currently overcoming negative experiences? 


Show yourself some love!

Preparing for a test is not just about passing the test. It is about being prepared. Diligently planning ahead and disciplining yourself through study and preparation. Ultimately leading to success or failure. Success will bring you great rewards and failure will allow you to retry and push past the failure and keep going until you succeed. Either way, you have gained knowledge that you did not have before preparing for the test. Knowledge always converts to wisdom and understanding which leads to growth. Pass or fail, you should always acknowledge your effort.


Self-Reflection Points

Q - Has this session helped you to better understand and have better control over your emotions and reactions?

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