Cycle 8 

 Living Well

Smart Money

C8 Session 62- Smart Money 

Key Questions

WHO manages your bills/money? 

WHAT boundaries are set up around your money?

WHERE can you go to get help with learning how to use your money wisely?

WHY is it necessary to have a plan for your money?

WHEN someone asks you to give them money what should you first consider? 

HOW often do you find yourself running out of money? 

SAVE. Save a little bit or save a lot. But always save something. Have an emergency savings and a fun time savings. Usually, fun time savings get used once or twice a year. 

MANAGE. Manage your money. Whenever you get money think of yourself as your accountant. Making reckless or unbeneficial decisions for your client (yourself) can get you fired. Think responsibility. 

ALLIANCE. Give yourself an alliance. Yes, we do need and want items. Please put them in your budget so that you can get what you want and stay on task with your budgeting schedule.  

REVENUE. Your income. Always check your income with what you want to go out. Don't plan to buy or do something that will push you into a corner financially. Patience is a virtue the urge for "right now" will go away

and you will be thankful for being wise.

TERMS. Set Terms when it comes to your money. Not only for yourself but also for others. Set boundaries. Monitor how it comes in and also monitor how it goes out. Be SMART 

Self-Reflection Points

"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." -Proverbs 21:5 

Q - What about basic life needs and awareness have you learned in this session?

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