Cycle 5  Relapse Prevention

Forgiving Myself

C5 Session 36 - Forgiving Myself

Key Questions

WHO is in control of your thoughts & behaviors? 

WHAT is something you can tell yourself when you begin to feel regret? 

WHERE is your emotional state when you start to remember unwanted past behaviors? 

WHY is it important for you to identify what influences your behaviors and decisions?

WHEN others remind you of your hurt and put you in a negative place how can you love yourself even more?

HOW can you benefit from forgiving someone else? So what about yourself?

What is Regret?

Self-Reflection Points

Q - In this session did you learn an in-depth knowledge of yourself and human behavior?

Live life without regrets!

"If I had to do it all over again

I wouldn't change a thing because

as far as I knew

I did the right thing 

with the wisdom, knowledge, and resources,

I had at the time."

-A dear friend April Thompson

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