Cycle 1 Self-Identity
Setting Boundaries
C1 Session 3- Setting Boundaries
Key Questions
WHO do you represent in the lives of the people you are around?
WHAT are your boundaries when it comes to taking on additional responsibilities that belong to other people?
WHEN something unplanned pops up how do you normally handle it?
WHERE can you go when you need support with your responsibilities?
WHY is it important to respect and maintain a balanced schedule?
HOW good are you at expressing your boundaries to people you've allowed to cross them in the past?
Self-Reflection Points
One way to balance your boundaries is to identify what people are expecting from you. Some people may expect you to handle their responsibilities as a priority to yours.
Be clear, don't become a victim to someone trying to avoid their responsibilities by putting them off on you.
You are ultimately responsible for yourself first. If you feel your load is too light add in some additional goals for advancing yourself. Not picking up other people's unwanted tasks.
Make a schedule, and put things in order of importance and time sensitivity. Don't overschedule or try to maintain a tight schedule. Always remember to schedule time for self-love.
Honor your time. If you don't respect your time no one else will.
Plan for the unplanned things to pop up because at some point unplanned things will happen, it's called life! Be sure to have in place a reliable support system.
Do not give what you can't afford to lose. That can come in the form of time, money, your stuff, your space, etc.
Avoid making promises. It's better to start with a "No" or "I'll have to see if I can" It's better to check your schedule first than say "Yes" and get overwhelmed or not keep your word.
Don't always be the hero! If you are always doing everything for everyone, you are not giving others the opportunity to step up and shine not even themselves.
Be aware of manipulators, they will try to make you feel like their emergency is your emergency. "For each one should carry his own load" Galatians 6:5
*"Boundaries are not the walls you use to block things from coming in and out. Boundaries are based on your V.E.S.P.M. health and to be used as the filters, monitoring the things coming in and out." -Tamika Russell
Q - How has this session helped you to formulate a plan to accomplish your objectives?
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