Cycle 2  V.E.S.P.M.


C2 Session 10 - Ethics


We are born with STANDARDS which govern our belief system that control the RESPONSES we take when a situation arises. Our ethics are what we believe is right at the time. It's about becoming the best person you can be according to what you believe to be right. 


We would like to assume that everyone is born with the same ethical beliefs. We actually believe that our view of what is ethical will bring a balanced flow into the world. In fact, we lean towards people who have the same or similar views of what is right and wrong as our own. However, we must be aware that our ethical judgments are ever-changing according to our level of growth, wisdom, and understanding.

WHAT are 3 ethical words that can be used to describe you? 

HOW do you associate with others who may not share your same way of thinking?

WHAT character trait do you want to continue or start to develop?

HAVE you ever learned something new that has changed the way you felt about it?

HOW can you learn how to become the best you?


We all have the ability to evolve and grow which will show up differently for each person depending on their life experiences and choices in life. Therefore your view of integrity, honesty, faithfulness, compassion, justice, and so forth may shift over time depending on your personal life experiences and choices. Your priorities, what you concern yourself with, your process of growth, and your standards may even change. 

ARE your standards set up by only what makes you happy? 

WHO are you when you're all alone?   

WHERE are you when it comes to setting boundaries with your loved ones?

HOW likely are you to complete a task or project?

HAS compassion ever moved you to change your view of justice?


We all have the need to feel validated ethically by the people in our inner circle. Your ethical views determine how you judge yourself and others. Pushing you to do what is right or ethical in your own eyes. 

ACCORDING to your moral beliefs are you a good person?

ARE you willing to make changes to your inner circle?

WHEN you judge yourself what is it usually based on? 

HOW do the people in your inner circle validate your good works?  

HOW do you interact with people who don't agree with what you believe?

Q - In this session did you learn how your V.E.S.P.M. plan affects the decisions you make?

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