Cycle 8
Living Well
Sleep Hygiene
C8 Session 57 - Sleep Hygiene
Key Questions
WHO or what can get in the way of you getting a good night's sleep or a power nap?
WHAT healthy habits can you put in place if you can't fall asleep?
WHERE is your ideal sleeping space?
WHY is getting enough sleep important for the body and mind to function properly?
WHEN your sleep is disturbed how do you fall back asleep?
HOW much sleep are you getting on average each day?
Self-Reflection Points
Getting enough sleep is necessary for everyone to function at their best. It affects the way you think; re-energizes and renews the cells in the body, removes toxins, healthier organs, immune system, mood, metabolism, ability to learn, etc.
Always sleep in a safe comfortable place. If you are being disturbed by others try earplugs or another room.
If you can't sleep due to an obligation like caring for someone, ask for help. If you are not at your best you can't give your best.
Recommended sleep is 7-10 hours for ages 17-64yrs old.
Try to go to sleep and wake up around the same time each day.
You can start your relaxing process 1-2 hours before bed with slow music, reading, or something that calms you down.
Bring something in the room from your “ideal sleeping space” ie: A picture, a special pillow, or even someone's shirt if you are finding it hard to sleep.
Getting the proper amount of sleep regularly will help you to look younger as well as feel great.
If you are not able to go to sleep or stay asleep you need to see a doctor right away.
Q - What about basic life needs and awareness have you learned in this session?
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