Cycle 8
Living Well
Sexual Health
C8 Session 60 - Sexual Health
Key Questions
WHO do you identify as?
WHAT if someone does not respect your beliefs about sex and sexuality?
WHERE is a good place to learn about different people's views about sex and sexuality?
WHY is it important for you to set clear boundaries when it comes to your body?
WHEN is it appreciated to share your sexual energy with another person? What should you do if someone is using their sexual energy to make you feel uncomfortable?
HOW do different generations mostly view sex and sexuality? Does your view have to be the same?
These suggested Generational Cultures might help you to understand and communicate your view of sex and sexuality with others, not your age.
The Lost Generation (1880-1899) * Established or Acknowledged a V.E.S.P.M. Plan.
The Greatest Generation (1900-1919) *Began to give attention to Values.
The Silent Generation (1920-1939) *Began to give attention to Ethics.
Baby Boomers Generation (1940-1959) *Began to give attention to Spirituality.
Generation X (1960-1979) *Began to give attention to Physical health.
The Millennial Generation Y (1980-1999) *Began to give attention to Mental health.
Generation Alpha Z (2000 - 2019) *Re-established a new V.E.S.P.M. Plan. (Repeat 20yr. Cycle)
Generation ((2020 - 2039) Values
Generation (2040 - 2050) Ethics
Self-Reflection Points
Sexual hygiene means maintaining a clean healthy sexual area and environment at all times. As well as using safe and healthy sex practices.
Being sexually healthy means being aware of your V.E.S.P.M. Plan during sex or sexual practices.
Sexual energy can be shared in different ways depending on the culture or environment. Some cultures may look at showing skin as sharing your sexual energy while others don't. Some may view talking to the opposite sex about sexual things as sharing your sexual energy with someone. Be aware of how other cultures and people view sex and sexual energy. Ask questions.
If you don't agree with someone's view about sex or sexuality remember it is okay. Agree to disagree.
One way to maintain sexual health is by talking to your sexual partner before getting intimate. "Know before you Go" A bad sexual experience can harm your Values, Ethics, Spiritual, Physical, and Mental health.
Set rules based on your V.E.S.P.M. health when it comes to your sexuality and sex.
Sexual trauma can affect how we view sex and sexuality. You always have the right to say No, stop or leave at any time if someone is making you uncomfortable.
You always have a right to keep yourself safe. If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable or does something you don't want them to do you can fight back and tell someone that will help you stop them. Your body is a unique gift especially given to you as a treasure. No one else has one like yours. If someone is not respecting your body you have a right to stand up for yourself.
If someone has violated you sexually you should call 911 or the emergency number in your area. Tell someone you trust. Most of all go to a safe place and stay there until you get help. Nobody has a right to touch you without you feeling comfortable with it. It's your body and you have a right to feel safe in it.
Q - What about basic life needs and awareness have you learned in this session?
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